The Regulatory Model of BSDTV – Brazilian System of Digital TV

past, present and future


  • Ana Káthia Cruz Guerra GUERRA Faculdade de Jaguariúna


Digital TV, Laws, Regulatory Model, SBTVD


The objective of this article is to show up the main atemptives of creating a new regulatory model for Digital TV. For that, we take as important points the creation of FUNTTEL and edict Nº 4.901/03, which institutes the BSDTV – Brazilian System of Digital TV. Thru the presentation of the legislations, it is possible to identify the main problems that exist about the discussing of the themes related to Digital TV, like the pattern of DTV, and specially the discussion of the theme with the society. As sources of research, are used bibliographic research, analyzing and discussing papers and books already publishes, as well as federal laws that points to the past, present and future of this new digital technology. This study is relevant because it shows the way for the discussion of the theme with civil society, due the media releases are more technical than didactics, and don't bring nothing new to the discussions about this subject.

