Historic retrospective and tendences of the economic and politic power


  • Celso Ilídio PIOVESANA Faculdade de Jaguariúna


Power, Political, Consciousness, Evolution


This paper is mainly aimed to promote critical reflection about systems of governement throughout the history of civilization, and analyze trends in the light of social, cultural and technological evolution over time. The criticism places itself within a perspective of natural evolution, imposed by needs, opportunities and circunstances of the historical moment of humanity, and leads to the understanding that this same evolution refers the individual to a fuller awareness of their socio-cultural role. This process inevitably alters the system of governemente by opening opportunities for each citizen to be, increasingly, an active participant in the decision making processes of the community in which he/she is in. Thus it is undestood that the political and economic belong the educated layers of society and that at the biginning of civilization they was restricted to a very small number and have been slowly expanded over thousands of years and more swiftly of the years and more swiftly in recent decades.

