Strategies to promote health challenges faced by families of children with cerebral palsy


  • Marta de Souza PEREIRA Departamento de Medicina Preventiva – Unimed Campinas
  • Joelma Ferreira de Oliveira MONATANARI Faculdade de Jaguariúna – FAJ
  • Tatiane Vegette PINTO Faculdade de Jaguariúna – FAJ


Cerebral palsy, Family, Health education, Health promotion


The study has the purpose the difficulties and challenges faced by families of children with cerebral palsy and strategies for health promotion can contribute to improving the quality of life. Methodology descriptive and exploratory work of qualitative approach. The subjects were six mothers of children with cerebral palsy, whose children are monitored in ambulatory of physiotherapy of Jaguariúna College, city Jaguariúna-SP. Respondents were selected randomly according to the criteria for inclusion: the relative of the child with cerebral palsy and being treated in the ambulatory physiotherapy. Four categories have emerged after compiling the data: The understanding of the family status of the child; the challenges faced by families; the process of health education; health promotion activities. The result of the survey identified that the understanding of the child's condition leads these families to a process of (re)structuring and adapting changes in daily family life. There is a need for support services mainly aimed at health improvement aspects of health and quality of life of the child.There is a need for greater understanding about the difficulties faced by these families and possible actions of health promotion aimed at this binomial.

