Reverse logistics after-consume as a strategical and sustainable factor inside the organizations


  • Leonardo FERREIRA Faculdade de Jaguariúna


reverse logistics, enterprise strategy, sustainability.


this work considers the accompaniment of the learning and the study of methodology used on reverse logistics after-consume and its benefits. Reverse logistics is a new instrument of enterprise logistics that acts as a way of manage the return of goods and materials after its sales and consumption for its source of origin, adding value on the same ones. Inside of the economic, social and ambient reality, this new instrument comes to help in an expressive way the reuse of products and materials after its applications, diminishing the damages caused to the environment, for the great production of goods manufactured by the productive ways. Thus it is of an extreme importance the actions of strategic planning, elaboration and implementation of projects related to the ambient preservation that they aim at to the competitiveness of these companies. As well as the logistics, the sustainability is a source of competitive advantage for an enterprise strategy, since the increasing ambient and social sensitization of the modern societies configures new requirements of the consumers

