
An Overview and its Application to Face and Speaker Recognition


  • Ricardo Paranhos Velloso VIOLATO Fundação CPqD
  • Marcus de Assis ANGELONI Fundação CPqD
  • Flávio Olmos SIMÕES Fundação CPqD
  • Mário ULIANI NETO Fundação CPqD; Faculdade de Jaguariúna; Faculdade Politécnica de Campi
  • Tiago de Freitas PEREIRA Fundação CPqD


Biometrics, Multibiometrics, fusion, speaker authentication, face authentication


This work presents an overview about multibiometrics, highlighting some specific aspects of interests of face and voice biometrics. The various sources of biometric information are described, as well as how these evidences can be combined in order to produce a final result. This text is not supposed to provide mathematical details about the techniques and therefore is not intended to be used as an implementation reference, but rather to serve as an initial guide on the subject.

