Support for product desugn methodology

information and knowledge management as a way to leverage innovative solutions


  • Vivianne Vieira DELGADO Faculdade de Jaguariúna


project management, product development, strategic planning


This paper presents the advantages of using tools in project development methodology combined with the tools of information and knowledge management as a way to leverage innovative solutions transform data into knowledge for the projectThe product design process generates several documents to record all project phases. Using project management tools in conjunction with the product development methodology can optimize the process of product development. In this process there are a lot of information generation, being necessary to explain a concept to others, who know clearly what is known and what remains unknown about the concepts and technologies involved in the product. The informations should be treated as supporting decisions, whether strategic areas, management or operations. The systematization allows gain that is not usually seen by the organizations, however, it improves the decision-making as an approach aid. For this reason, the information should be treated as a differential interpretations present in the product development process must be dynamic, avoiding filters that can disrupt the correct flow of project information. The proven benefits of the use tools of project development methodology in conjunction with the cited tools of project management are, among others, improving the flow of information, as well as increases the overall vision of the designer, allowing the output of conventional thinking in the search for original and inovative solutions.

