Legal Constitution Of Labor Unions And Contradictory Aspects Of Tax Legislation
Cooperative system, self-management, co-management, cooperatives of workAbstract
A The cooperative movement, represents an alternative behavior model between the market and workers, bringing to these through your cooperative legal instrument enabling efficient work, mostly eliminating the intermediary. This allows the distribution of highest income to the employee, since the surplus before suitable for intermediation, now is redistributed among the cooperated members, effectively the executors of the work abstract. It is with this in mind, which will be placed the question of organization of people, through the behavioral model of work cooperatives, an option market relationship, exchanging only two agents: the worker and who demand work, excluding the intermediary that treats the work as a commodity. As a result of social chasms that flare and swallow fundamental concepts as: citizenship, family, homeland, ethics and morals, is that one can consider the "cooperatives", as transformers, a force generator of jobs. There seems to be this, the understanding of the Government and its institutions, they could ally themselves to cooperatives, as happens in many first world countries, where they are considered economic arm of social organization.