Inverted spirometry of incentive used as stimulator of respiratory muscle in healthy individuals


  • Renata Ao. ROSA Faculdade Jaguariúna
  • Grace Kelly dos SANTOS Faculdade Jaguariúna
  • Bruna SIQUEIRA Faculdade Jaguariúna
  • Maria Gabriela Cavicchia TONELOTO Faculdade de Jaguariúna


Spirometry, Strength, Expiratory


The spirometry of incentive to flow – Respiron® - It is used in common like a technique for pulmonary expansion. Even without previous scientifics studies that prove it, many professionals are using the Respiron with another objectives, those ones that it wasn’t developed for: pulmonary deflation, bronchial hygiene and expiratory muscle strength training. In this perspective, the general purpose of this study is to analyze the use of Respiron® in the inverse side to obtain respiratory muscle strength. For this study, were invited 20 people, with both sexes and races, with ages between 20-30 years and healthy. It was realized at the beginning and at the end of this research a inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength test with the manovacuumetry GER-AR ®, and the measurement of peak expiratory flow with the Peak Flow®. During all sessions, it was used the Respiron® in the inverse side for the expiratory muscle strength training, with three series of ten repetitions. The results during the tests prove the effectiveness of the technique about the improvement of respiratory muscle strength and it can be benefit, therefore, the patients that present respiratory muscle weakness and consequential damages in their pulmonary function.

Author Biographies

Renata Ao. ROSA, Faculdade Jaguariúna

Profissão: Estudante de Fisioterapia
Instituição: Faculdade de Jaguariúna - FAJ
Endereço: Rua Antônio Brasil de Camargo, 223 – Portal das Pérolas. Sto Ant. de Posse - SP

Grace Kelly dos SANTOS, Faculdade Jaguariúna

Profissão: Estudante de Fisioterapia
Instituição: Faculdade de Jaguariúna - FAJ
Endereço: Rua Angelin Bilatto, 86 – Parque São Lucas. Itapira - SP

Bruna SIQUEIRA, Faculdade Jaguariúna

Profissão: Estudante de Fisioterapia
Instituição: Faculdade de Jaguariúna - FAJ
Endereço: Rua dos Lírios, 134 – Sta Marta. Itapira - SP

Maria Gabriela Cavicchia TONELOTO, Faculdade de Jaguariúna

Profissão: Fisioterapeuta
Instituição: Faculdade de Jaguariúna - FAJ
Endereço: Rua Luis Rossi, 47 – Centro. Pedreira – SP

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