Environmental comfort in urban open spaces

it’s the correlation with Cities Planning


  • Adriana Aparecida Carneiro ROSA Faculdade de Jaguariúna
  • Janini de Oliveira Dias da SILVA Faculdade de Jaguariúna


Environmental Comfort, Urban Planning, Urban Open Spaces


Understanding the issue of environmental comfort in urban planning becomes important to consider the intervention of the microclimate in the city, as well as to know mechanisms that interfere in air quality to propose a study of interference to the urban open space. The performance of the activity depends on the interaction between user and environment. One of the great purposes is the study of human comfort sensations where elements that most affect comfort are temperature, solar radiation and winds. In this way the perception of the landscape and the use of urban open spaces go through the proper use of the different environmental factors. Therefore the importance of the study of the local climate so that it can incorporate actions and proposals of improvement of the evaluated space. There is a pretension in the search for new surveys, correct data on the control of urban land in order to evaluate the indices of environmental comfort in real urban situations, with the perspective of bringing to the research, values that can broaden varieties of situations raised in different localities of the national territory. The results can be applied in the consolidation of criteria for urban open spaces and their correlation with urban planning which should contribute to the quality of life of the inhabitants and to the improvement of the thermal performance of urban free areas.

Author Biographies

Adriana Aparecida Carneiro ROSA, Faculdade de Jaguariúna

Adriana Aparecida Carneiro Rosa é Arquiteta e Urbanista formada pela
Universidade de Alfenas, MG em 1997. Mestre em Engenharia Civil pela FECUNICAMP,
em 2003. Integrante do Grupo de Estudos de Planejamento Urbano de
Cidades Saudáveis (GEPUCS) e Professora da Faculdade de Jaguariúna (FAJ) e do
Instituto Paulista de Ensino e Pesquisa (IPEP).

Janini de Oliveira Dias da SILVA, Faculdade de Jaguariúna

Janini de Oliveira Dias da Silva é estudante do 7º Semestre de Arquitetura e
Urbanismo pela Faculdade Jaguariúna, Integrante do Grupo de Estudos de
Mobilidade e Acessibilidade Para Cidades Saudáveis (GEMOBIAS) e estudante do
Programa de Iniciação Científica na área de Planejamento Urbano para Cidades

