Thinkers who influenced the Japanese Production System making it more competitive and the Relevance of the Toyota Production Principles

Review of Literature


  • Ademilson Pereira da SILVA Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna - UniFAJ
  • Bruno E. PEREGO Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna - UniFAJ


Production Planning and Control, Toyota, Production Management


The problematization of the work is aimed at revising the existing literature of the Toyota principles of Production by correlating them with Western thinkers who formulated several principles that fused with Japanese culture, leadership, structure and organizational communication positively influenced the production system in Japan. Emphasizes the key role of the production planning and control sector. Production Management. The General Theory of Administration (mainly the Scientific Administration - which delayed the competitiveness of the West from the 1950s on the Japanese industry). The Japanese "reverse" thinking that levels the hierarchy and optimizes the production process of a company. The hypothesis is to highlight the relevance of Western thinkers: Feigenbaum, Deming, Juran, Drucker, in Japanese industry; and the concepts of administration of Japanese production with its Japanese influencers, among them: Taiichi Ohno. The literary review aims at exploring the history and interrelations between the West / East (philosophies, administrative concepts, production management) in order to intertwine them yes and not concomitantly and to highlight the difficulty in finding collections for such research, Leading to the possibility of a deepening after graduation.

