Analysis of the implementation of a pedestrian overpass bridge in highway BR 376, PR, Brazil


  • Giovanna Carolina de Souza PESSOA Centro Universitário de Maringá
  • Janaína de Melo Franco DOMINGOS Centro Universitário UNIMAX


crossing of pedestrians, traffic generating poles, pedestrian overpass


Traffic accidents are one of the main causes of death in Brazil, and trampling is considered the most serious. However, these accidents on highways located in urban areas have increased, worrying both the pedestrians themselves and those responsible for the implementation of speed reduction devices of the existing vehicular flow. The proposal of this work consisted in analyzing a better place for the implementation of pedestrian overpass for the crossing of pedestrians. For the study, traffic engineering techniques were used consisting of in situ survey, volumetric counts, data collection and data analysis performed at BR 376 in the municipality of Presidente Castelo Branco (PR) between Km 145+000m and Km 146+500 m. From the on-site evaluations, it was verified the need to install two pedestrian overpasses, one located in the vicinity of Km 145+585m in view of the location of several traffic generating poles and another in the Km 146+100m corresponding to the proximity of new subdivisions which are in the process of opening

Author Biographies

Giovanna Carolina de Souza PESSOA, Centro Universitário de Maringá

Graduada em Engenharia Civil pelo Centro Universitário de Maringá (UniCesumar), com
Especialização em Gerenciamento de Projetos (UniCesumar). Profissional com
experiência na área de Engenharia de Tráfego e Engenharia Urbana, onde atua

Janaína de Melo Franco DOMINGOS, Centro Universitário UNIMAX

Graduada em Tecnologia em Gerenciamento Ambiental pela UTFPR campus Campo
Mourão, Especialista em Gestão Ambiental em Municípios pela UTFPR campus
Medianeira, Mestre em Engenharia Urbana pela UEM Maringá-PR. Atualmente é
professora nas áreas de Hidrologia e Drenagem, Engenharia Ambiental e Projeto de
Produto I no Centro Universitário UNIMAX em Indaiatuba-SP.

