Hospital Bernardo Klopfer

Discussion On The Method Of Research And Results As An Architectural Project


  • João Pedro Sartorato NOZELA Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna – UNIFAJ
  • Evandra Ramos VICTÓRIO Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna – UNIFAJ


Health architecture, humanization in health, design processo


Health buildings have a high level of complexity in all its aspects. Hospitals, in constant evolution since they ceased to be treated as spaces of isolation for patients, today have their focus on health care, not disease. With this in mind, the present work aims to present the author's Final Graduation Work, where research was developed to justify and prove numerically the deficit of hospital beds present in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas and later, to propose the design of a hospital building that would mean on average 200 beds of hospitalization, work with recurrent and necessary guidelines in a project of such size and use and that also, aided in the healing process. The result was the Bernardo Klopfer Hospital, which will have its research method and result as an architectural project presented.

