Proposal For Monorail Transport Implementation on Campinas-Mogi Guaçu Hub


  • Janini de Oliveira Dias SILVA Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna – UNIFAJ
  • Evandra Ramos VICTÓRIO Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna – UNIFAJ


Monorail, Mobility, Transportation


This article rated the process of industrialization and dispersed urbanization of the municipalities of the Mogi Guaçu - Campinas axis and the relation with the means of collective transportation used in this axis. It was investigated the viability of the high Monorail VLT system in this regional context and a survey of other cases already existing in Brazil. For this, it was based on the review of the specific literature and on field surveys, presenting the theory and the application of what was investigated. In this process, some maps and charts were made and time presented, as well, as a result of the research.

