Large housing projects in Santa Barbara d’Oeste and design performance for habitability and sustainability


  • Raquel Regina Martini Paula BARROS Centro Universitário Max Planck - UniMAX
  • KARINA BORBA DE ARAUJO Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba


Social housing projects, Housing design quality, Housing performance


This paper presents partial results of a more comprehensive research on housing quality and the performance of social housing projects (EHIS) in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (RMC). The overall goal is improving social housing production quality by valuing Brazilian advances in the regulatory context. More specifically, the goal was contributing to the consolidation of an EHIS knowledge base in Santa Barbara d´Oeste, SP in view of the Brazilian ABNT NBR 15575 Standard on Housing Performance. Documentary and bibliographic studies were conducted. After the completion of a comprehensive inventory and detailed characterization, case study projects were selected. The design projects were verified regarding compliance to a selection of NBR15575 requirements for habitability and sustainability. Research allowed reflections on the importance of compliance to normative references in housing design phase. EHIS knowledge base can establish the foundation for future performance evaluations and design improvements for these and new projects.

Author Biography

Raquel Regina Martini Paula BARROS, Centro Universitário Max Planck - UniMAX

Arquiteta e Urbanista, Dr.ª Engenharia Civil, Área Arquitetura e Construção
Pós-Doutorado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (Unicamp/ FAPESP)
Docente no Centro Universitário Max Planck-UniMAX
Grupo de Estudos Qualidade do Projeto da Habitação

