Report case – metatarsophalangeal joints injury in equine


  • Liangrid Nunes Barroso RODRIGUES Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna (UniFaj)
  • Giovani DAL'BÓ Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna (UniFaj)
  • Hernani Azevedo Silva NETO Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo (FMVZ USP)


metatarsophalangeal joint, arthroscopy, joint lavage


A seven-year-old equine, of the quarter-mile race, arrived at the Veterinary School Hospital of Jaguariúna (HEV) with a major complaint of a traumatic accident in the metatarsophalangeal joint. Until was made complementary exams, such as x-ray and ultrasound, a perforating lesion was found in the aforementioned joint. It was necessary, as soon as possible, to washing the joint capsule with antibiotic lactate ringer solution and evaluate the extent of the lesion through the procedure of an exploratory arthroscopy. The patient had a favorable prognosis, mainly in relation to the prompt treatment through joint washing, regional perfusion with antibiotics in the injured area and anti-inflammatory drugs. Otherwise, depending on the delay, could cause a septic arthritis and irreversibility damage to the joint because of the low regeneration potential of this type of tissue

