Strategies Of Urban Planning And Health Promotion

The Mandala Of The Healthy City


  • Ana Maria Girotti SPERANDIO Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP


Urban planning, Health Promotion, Healthy City


This article identifies strategies for the development of a healthy city, considering urban planning as the main axis. Basic concepts of the juridical to the city, differential interactions as well as the challenges to the process of building a healthy city will be discussed in this text. The methodological process was based on an updated bibliographic review of urban planning and a healthy city; of the application of the knowledge developed in the postgraduate discipline of urban planning as a healthy city promoter at the University ...; and also from considerations about selected experiences from cities of the Network of Potentially Healthy Municipalities (RMPS). The aim of this article is to identify, systematize and reflect the coalition of urban planning strategies and health promotion for healthy city development. During the study, 10 (ten) strategies for the development of healthy cities were identified, systematized and reflected, which are: political will; social participation; local alliances; identification of local leaders; understanding and revitalization of collective autonomy; intersectoral actions; solidarity; human resilience; social, economic, environmental and cultural public policies; and respect for diversity.

