Sport pedagogy and the school physical education


  • Ângelo DINIZ Faculdade de Jaguariúna
  • Beatriz Leme Passos CARVALHO Faculdade de Jaguariúna


sport pedagogy, school


The article argues the possibilities of use of the sport as content of the lessons of physical education of formal education, searching to analyze practical the pedagogical ones assumed for the professors of pertaining to school physical education. The performance of the professor front to this content deserves the attention a time that the methodologies used in the lessons many times if approach to the standards established for the competitive training that privileges the physical aptitude in detriment of the interests, the possibilities and the necessities of the pupils. The text points, in the final words, the necessity of the understanding of the professor concerning the sport as social and historical phenomenon, in its multiple possibilities, understanding that practical and that educating does not restrict the capacities and motor abilities of the pupils, but also to social, cognitivos, ethical and emotional the aspects of the pupil.

