Application Of Quality Tools To Reduce Refuge In The Productive Process

Case Study Applied In The Auto Parts Industry


  • Silvio José CAVALLARI JR Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna – UNIFAJ
  • Gilberto Andrade SILVA JR Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna – UNIFAJ
  • Julio César LONGATTO Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna - UNIFAJ
  • Thiago Gabriel SILVEIRA Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna - UNIFAJ


Quality Tools, PDCA, MASP, Ishikawa, Performance Indicators


This article presents the application of quality tools at Company X, to reduce the waste from the production process. With the proposal to identify the problems using performance indicators for quality management, highlighting the advantages and opportunities that the existence of a performance measurement system can bring to the organization and, consequently, minimize the problems of inefficiency of the parts manufactured in the processes productive, verify the influence of these causes, and then propose the action plan to obtain a better analysis of the indicators in the organizational management. Based on the surveys covered by quantitative data, this article aims to use the application of quality tools: PDCA method and the Ishikawa diagram, MASP, stratification, verification sheet and the five whys, with the purpose of better evaluation and control of its processes and also helping to make decisions with better precision, reducing the percentage of rework and inefficiency of the production lines. Thus, the objective of this work is to reduce the percentage of parts returned from setup in the production process, generating financial profit.

