Realistic simulation as a teaching-learning methodology in Nursing Graduation

Experience Report


  • Alexandro Marcos MENEGÓCIO Centro Universitário Max Planck, UniMAX
  • Luciane Gatti Perez Pivello Centro Universitário Max Planck, UniMAX
  • Patricia Helena Breno Queiroz Centro de Educação continuada Maurício de Nassau, UNINASSAU
  • Matheus de Andrade Ruas Centro Universitário Max Planck, UniMAX


Realistic simulation, Active methodologies, Nursing


There are notable changes and new ways of teaching that the educational path has been suffering to meet new students nowadays, in a context of a lot of technology and quick information available at any time. It is considered that the Nursing course has potential to develop practical activities in different situations and health problems. This article aims to report the experience lived in the Nursing Course at the Max Planck University Center (UniMax) in the implementation of Realistic Simulation as a teaching and learning methodology, a strategy that fosters potentialities in the development of critical, reflective and humanistic professional training.This is a qualitative descriptive study, type of experience report, which discusses Realistic Simulation as a teaching-learning methodology in the Nursing course at UniMax. The lived experience allowed some fundamental reflections for the professional teaching practice in the course and involved the planning by the guidance guide; the application of the Check List; performing the Debriefing of the experience and applying the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). The strategy was well accepted by professors for providing moments of intense involvement in teaching practice and students sensitized by the increase in their learning, consolidating the practice of Realistic Simulation as a teaching-learning methodology in the Nursing course at UniMAX.

