Functionality and accessibility in social housing design in Indaiatuba, SP


  • Pedro Victor Souza STUCHI Centro Universitário Max Planck-UniMAX
  • Raquel Regina Martini Paula BARROS Centro Universitário Max Planck-UniMAX


Social housing design projects, Design quality, Brazilian housing performance standard ABNT NBR 15575


In the context of the search for the necessary improvement of the quality and performance of social housing in Brazil, the work presents results of survey and characterization of projects of Housing Projects of Social Interest-EHIS filed and approved in the municipality of Indaiatuba-SP after the date of entry in force of the Housing Building Performance Standard ABNT NBR 15575: 2013. The projects were surveyed and characterized as to the income range of the residents, urban insertion of the enterprises, typologies of the buildings, construction systems adopted. The degree of compliance of the projects with NBR 15575 was then carried out, specifically with regard to the factors of Habitability called Functionality and Accessibility. Such research generates reflections and contributes to the professional training, mainly of architects and urban planners, regarding the valorization of the current regulatory context in the theme of housing in the city and of decent housing as a fundamental human right. The knowledge base generated on EHIS projects can support future evaluations to verify performance.

