The use of casp 19 in the quality assessment of elderly life

an integrating review


  • Elaine Valias Sodré PEREIRA Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Carolina Garcia PESSONI Universidade Estadual de Cam
  • Alexandre Marcos MENEGÓCIO Centro Universitário Max Planck, UniMAX
  • Maria José D’ELBOUX Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Aged, Quality of life, CASP-19


The objective of this study was to analyze and systematize, through integrative review of the literature, the national and international scientific production on the use of the CASP-19 scale to evaluate the quality of life of the elderly in the period from 2008 to 2018. Context of health/illness, other aspects of the life, taking into account the overall well-being. In order to carry out this review, the following steps were taken: survey of the theme, choice of hypothesis and objective; establishment of criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies (sampling); categorization and evaluation of studies included in the review; interpretation and presentation of the results. Articles were indexed in the databases: PubMed, BVS/BIREME, CINAHL, Scupus, Web of Science, Embase and Cochrane Library. We obtained 178 articles. After analyzing the articles and following the exclusion criteria, 13 articles were obtained. From the analyzes the following thematic axes emerged: Methodological and revision studies of the CASP-19 scale; Research on the relationship between QoL and health problems; Investigations on the association of CASP-19 with other measures of well-being; Evaluation studies of QoL before and after intervention. Since 2011, the surveys that use the scale have increased considerably and to a large extent has been applied in longitudinal studies.

