Scientific production of nursing guidelines for patients with breast cancer submitted to chemotherapy


  • Alekssandra Pereira MENDONÇA Universidade Veiga de Almeida/RJ
  • Carlos Candido SANTOS JÚNIOR Faculdade Bezerra de Araújo/RJ
  • Beatriz Nascimento Monteiro SILVA Instituto Nacional do Câncer/RJ
  • Claudia Gouveia SILVA Faculdade CNEC Rio das Ostras/RJ
  • Claudemir Santos JESUS Universidade Veiga de Almeida/RJ



Neoplasms, Pharmacological treatment, Nursing care


The study on screen, aims to discuss the nurse's orientation regarding the chemotherapy treatment of patients with breast câncer. An integrative review was used with a qualitative descriptive approach, in which 14 articles were captured, with a time frame from 2011 to 2020, through the Virtual Health Library platform, with the research question: How the nurse's guidance regarding the chemotherapy treatment of patients with breast cancer happen? With the careful analysis of the studies, the thematic unit “the nurse in front of the guidelines of patients undergoing chemotherapy” was obtained, which brought the points for guidance and awareness of the general condition. In conclusion, the analysis made it possible to understand the patient in the treatment of cancer and the importance of humanistic care, guidance and sensitive listening, in order to transform the difficult moment into struggle, cooperation and the will to live.

Author Biographies

Alekssandra Pereira MENDONÇA, Universidade Veiga de Almeida/RJ

Enfermeira, pós-graduada em Oncologia Clínica pela Universidade Veiga de

Carlos Candido SANTOS JÚNIOR, Faculdade Bezerra de Araújo/RJ

Mestre em Ciências Biológicas UFRJ, Farmacêutico, docente pela Faculdade
Bezerra de Araújo/RJ

Beatriz Nascimento Monteiro SILVA, Instituto Nacional do Câncer/RJ

Doutora em microbiologia médica humana UERJ, Biomédica, pós-doutoranda
pelo Instituto Nacional do Câncer/RJ

Claudia Gouveia SILVA, Faculdade CNEC Rio das Ostras/RJ

Mestre em Bioquímica UFRJ, Bióloga, docente pela Faculdade CNEC Rio das

Claudemir Santos JESUS, Universidade Veiga de Almeida/RJ

Mestre em Enfermagem pela EEAN/UFRJ, Enfermeiro, docente convidado pela
Universidade Veiga de Almeida/RJ

