The extent of the Disregard of Legal Entity Issue to affect the non-managing partner in tax planning not opposable to the Tax Authorities


  • João Carlos de Lima Junior Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo


Disregard of Legal Entity Issue, abusive tax planning, partner responsibility


This expository and analytical study evaluates the motion to Pierce the Corporate Veil provided for in article 50 of the Civil Code and its enforcement in the so-called abusive tax planning, investigating the possibility of holding the non- managing partner of the legal entity liable since the Civil Code does not require the condition of management, but only the performance of an act that causes a direct or indirect benefit to the partner. Through an analysis of primary sources of the Law and a doctrinal survey, using inductive reasoning, the outlined premises lead to the conclusion that abusive tax planning is a hypothesis of purpose deviation, in which, for the motion to pierce the corporate veil to take place, the intention to harm creditors is presented as a subjective element, the absence of which necessarily prevents the non- managing partner from being held liable.


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