Cosmópolis city breastfeeding practicles


  • Elisabete Silva RONDON Faculdade de Jaguariúna
  • Érika Cristina Jacob Guimarães PAIXÃO Faculdade de Jaguariúna


breast feeding, child health, health promotion


The descriptive study aimed to know the breastfeeding practice in children less than one year in Cosmópolis City located in state of São Paulo. Was investigated the situation of 571 children’s breastfeeding, and the valid data were obtained for 545 children, representing 66,79% of the population of children under one year estimated for the city. The data were obtained through the Cosmopólis city participation on II National Research of Prevalence Breastfeeding, developed by SES/SP Health Institute, that provide city epidemiological information on infant feeding, toward to planning actions in this area, especially on breastfeeding. Two nurses of Cosmópolis city received 8 hours of training to implement and coordinate the research. Through it was possible to know the breastfeeding practice and correlate it to various maternal social realities. However, the practice of breastfeeding exclusive in the city is far from Ministry Health considers right, which suggest that encourage actions of promoting breastfeeding shall be intensified.

