Ethical Terms

Intellectus Academic Digital Journal Presentation
The Intellectus Academic Digital Journal, ISSN 1679-8902, is maintained by the Faculty Jaguariúna and Max Planck Faculty (in Indaiatuba) and aims at publishing socially and scientifically relevant academic papers. For that purpose, the journal adopts instruments and procedures to ensuring quality and ethics on publications. The Intellectus Journal presentation, as well as the methodology used for selecting and publishing received articles, is based on COPE’s (Committee of Ethics Publications) best practice guidelines, which can be found at:
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
All material submitted to the Intellectus Journal is blindly evaluated by reviewers that have technical and scientific knowledge on the subject. Except review articles and reflection papers, which will be analyzed by only one reviewer, all other work will be reviewed by at least two reviewers, following the double-blind method, in which authors and reviewers are not identified.
Articles and papers that do not follow the standards of presentation expressed on Intellectus’ website (, and/or whose content consists of biased or deceitful opinions on politics, religion, scientific papers, people, products and institutions will be automatically excluded from the evaluation process.
Articles originated from plagiarism will have their publication denied. Plagiarism refers to:
  •         Papers that show results, concepts and/or other data copied from authors without their permission or quote;
  •         Papers that have already equally been published, rewritten or translated;
  •         Papers in which authors who did not participate during the production/writing process are included.
  •         Articles presented in Congresses can be accepted for publication, provided that:
  •        They follow the standards required by the Intellectus Journal;
  •        The bibliographical references from these Congresses are identified.
When submitting the article, the author authorizes the Intellectus Journal to publishing and disseminating his/her work. In addition to the conditions exposed above, the Intellectus Journal may deny publishing articles under the following conditions:
  •   Lack of technical staff trained in the specific subject of article assessment;
  •   Incongruity between the article’s theme and themes of the volumes to be published;
  •   Excess of submitted articles on the same topic;
  •   Little or no scientific/social relevance;
  •   Submission after deadline, when occasional changes are requested by reviewers or Intellectus team;
  •   Partial fulfillment of requested occasional changes, even if they are done within deadline
  •   Incongruity between objectives, methodology and results;
  •   Other unspecified reasons.
In no case autor(s) can appeal against the Intellectus staff’s decision. Intellectus Academic Digital Journal will be clear and ethical with all of those involved in publishing process: editorial board, authors, technical staff and society. This posture includes cases of plagiarism that inflict current national laws.
Authors who wish to submit their work to the Intellectus Journal may do it voluntarily, taking as reward the disclosure and publication of their production. The Intellectus Academic Digital Journal does not financially remunerate any author, even those whose works are published.