The importance of color in visual process

an analysis of long life milk pack


  • Daniele Regina LUCAS Faculdade Max Planck
  • Elias Inácio de SOUZA Faculdade Max Planck
  • Mirella BICUDO Faculdade Max Planck
  • Sanete Irani de ANDRADE Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba


Colors, Packagings, Visual Analysis


This paper aims to understand the importance of colors in the process of buying long-life milk, that is, we sought to understand consumer behavior on the packaging of such product in the act of choice itself. The work was divided into two stages: firstly researched to author specializing in books and journals in the area, and sites that deal with the subject on screen. In a second step, questionnaires were administered to students of the School Administration Max Planck to understand how is the process of choosing the product quoted, through the visual process.

