Yoga in Health Promotion


  • Tamiê Cristina BODINI Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna
  • Erica Passos BACIUK Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna


Health of Promotion, Yoga,, Quality of Life


The promotions health is showeded as strategic to produce health, helping to increase the health for the individuals and collectivities, in the environment that they live. The current prospective, exploratory and quantitative study, had the main objective to know the Yoga practice effects as health promotion strategy about the quality of life (QL). The 16 volunteers has showed the average age as 31±13,9 years old, being 03 men and 13 women. The weekly Hatha Yoga classes had the duration time of 50 minutes. The participants had answered the QL, WHOQOL-bref. The avarage for QL was general 4,1 ± 0,7 (82% ± 14%) in the beginning, and 4,1 ± 0,4 (82% ± 8%) at the end, what represents very satisfactory. The satisfaction with their own health, at the beginning showed the average of 3,6 ± 1,0 (72% ± 20%), which is satisfactory to very satisfactory, and at the end 4,1 ± 0,4 (82% ± 8%), which is very satisfactory. The QL in the four domains presented itself as satisfactory both at the begining at the end. It was possible to observe improvement in the perception health with the practice of Yoga. However, more standarlized research is needed, on the Yoga subject.

