Group of Healthy Friendship

elderly people’s health promotion


  • Nora Zamith RIBEIRO CAMPOS Articulação Nacional de Movimentos e Práticas de Educação Popular e Saúde/ Rio de Janeiro – ANEPSRJ
  • José Maria ARRUDA Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ
  • Maria Auxiliadora Bessa BARROSO Fundação Nacional de Saúde, MS
  • Vera Lucia Góes PEREIRA LIMA Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ


elderly people, health promotion, quality of life


Based on Health Promotion principles and strategies, this study aims at analyzing an activity implemented in Serzedelo Correia Square, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, following the extinction of the Academia da Terceira Idade (ATI), a project put into operation in 2009 by the City Hall and discontinued in 2015. Due to the withdrawal of official support, some ATI users enrolled in the afternoon period decided to create the Group of Healthy Friendship (Grupo da Amizade Saudável – GAS) aiming at the defense of their social rights and quality of life. Method: qualitative research with participant observation, individual interviews, as well as the Discourse of the Collective Subject, as a way to retrieve social representations. Results: greater awareness concerning citizen rights; personal and social empowerment; higher vitality and physical efficiency level; increase of affective and social relations; cohesion in the defense of collective demands; better quality of life; evidence of transforming potential. GAS increasing development indicates its effectiveness.

