Appropriation of the Cerrado by Conservation Units and Environmental Education


  • Gabriela Couto Barbosa Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Cláudia Valéria de Lima Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • André Munhoz de Argollo Ferrão Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • João Vitor Silva Universidade Federal de Goiás


conservation unit, Cerrado, environmental education


This paper aims to discuss the creation of conservation units in Goiás and the Federal District as a tool for activities in the field of Environmental Education in the Cerrado, with emphasis on national park type conservation units. It is known that the appropriation of the Cerrado has been happening for a long time and by different actors. A significant part of this appropriation is performed by actors that degrade the Cerrado environment, such as agriculture. This paper aims to analise the practice of environmental education in conservations units and the importance to Cerrado’s conservation. A theoretical basis was made about the concept of Cerrado and its characteristics, as well as a discussion about conservation units and environmental education. In addition, there is a brief historical, social and physical analysis of the characteristics of selected protected areas and the Cerrado.

