Implementation of QFD tools and Morphological Matrix in the process of creating a new bracelet


  • Luan Pablo MORAES Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna – UNIFAJ
  • Matheus Henrique PORETTO Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna – UNIFAJ
  • Marcos Tadeu ZAULI Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna – UNIFAJ
  • Geraldo G. DELGADO NETO Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna - UNIFAJ


Quality Function Deployment, Morphological Matrix, Costumer Voice.


The present article intends to study and analyze the implementation of the tools Quality Function Deployment and Morphological Matrix in development of a new product from the accessories market. The tools were elected due your large ways to find solutions and the way that they show to us inside these solutions which will find the costumer voice, considering different aspects like materials, process and costs.

