Social representations about homeless people


  • Ícaro da Silva GOMES Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • João Pereira Amorim FILHO Centro Universitário Cesmac - Maceió
  • Marcelo Xavier de OLIVEIRA Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Larisse Helena Gomes Macêdo BARBOSA Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul - São Paulo


Homeless, Perception, Social Representation


Homeless people (HP) they live in a context of social vulnerability amid violence with their identity produced by society through Social Representations (SR). This article aims to analyze these representations about homeless people by comparing this group with an exogroup. The results were analyzed with support of the software, and it was developed to analyze the content of the decentralized hierarchy (CHD) and Cloud of Words, performing statistical analyzes on Textual corpus. The data emerged similar representations in the CHD on how perceptions about the RSP, independent of the group, and in the analysis through the word cloud predominated different placements between individuals on the street. The data allowed to reflect on how representations, pointing out the importance of Psychology without the understanding of social relations in a street situation

